Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Social Networking

Are social networks messing with your head?


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  2. In my opinion, social networks are not "messing with our heads." After reading the social networking article, it is obvious that social networking does have an affect on our society and has changed the way we interact but I think it is just part of our overall change as a society. There is such a technological push today that it is practically impossible not to be involved in social networking. It is obvious how true this is by the statistic that "if facebook were a country, it would be the fourth most populous in the world, just behind the U.S. Almost half of its users visit everyday." This statement supports how prevelent social networking is today but I do not think that it is messing with our heads but rather impacting the way we interact and communicate

    1. Although I disagree with your position, I agree with your point that states, "It is obvious that social networking does have an affect on our society and has changed the way we interact." For example, college students used to be really separated from their families when they left, but students today can just pull out a computer and Skype or Facetime. I feel that social networks have become so prevalent that people cannot live without it and that it is messing with our heads, but your points are valid.

    2. I agree that today our country is very technologically centered. If you were to ask anyone of the street if they have a Facebook or a Twitter, most will answer yes. It's just how people are today and those same people choose to be into the social networks and i don't think that it traps them into spending hours on it each day.

    3. I agree with you that interacting through social networks now is just part of our overall change as a society. That's a really good point.

    4. I agree with you statement! very good points.

  3. Social networking is becoming a constant part of our lives, and I think it is “messing” with our heads. The article describes many inconclusive tests, but the fact of the matter is that social networks like Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, and others are now so very important to many, many people. Some people spend hours on these social networks, and “those hours can grow rapidly, setting off a cascade of bad consequences.” Smart phones allow users to be constantly logged into their accounts, with updates coming every few minutes. There are relationships that people make on the Internet which hinder their ability to interact face to face. I’ve seen this happen. Social networks are constantly there. A person can just as easily hear, “Did you see that picture on Twitter?” as “Hello” nowadays. Sometime in the future, for all we know, we might be dependent on social networks for every form of communication. Social networks have changed our lives, becoming a crucial part to many, and that is “messing” with our heads, as the question states.

    1. I like how you pointed out that "some people spend hours on these social networks" because it is very true. Although I still disagree that it is "messing" with our heads. I also think it can depend on the person though and how much they let social networks effect them.

    2. Yes, the effect social networks have on a person is definitely dependent on who that person is. I'm glad you pointed that out!

    3. I agree that having social networks available to us at all times like on our smartphones are not necessary but i also believe that they can choose to have it take over their life or not. The people that let the internet take over hours and hours of their lives should reevaluate what they have gotten themselves into.

    4. I agree with Kelsey's comment. In my opinion, let or don't let social networks mess with our heads would be our choice more than anything, even though there is many people that don't realize how the social network are overtaken their lifes.

  4. After reading the article, i don't believe that social networking is "messing with our heads". However, the article pointed out very interesting details such as social networks leading to anxiety. Also one thing i found very interesting is the self esteem levels that fluctuate due to the amount of online friends one may have on a certain website. The more friends the happier right? I believe that the more friends that you have online, the more lonely you will feel since you do not have a deep understanding of who that person is. In contrast, i believe that people know how to use social networks responsibly and not let them take over ones life (like Farmville did for most). Social networks have definitely changed who Americans are as a whole but i don't think that it is messing with our minds.

    1. I agree with a few of your points, but your point that states, "I believe that people know how to use social networks responsibly" is very subjective. That point would depend on the person and there are quite a few people who do not have this capability. I like your point that state, "Social networks have definitely changed who Americans are as a whole." This point is definitely the truth!

    2. I agree with you. I also thought that it was interesting that self esteem levels fluctuate depending on the amount of friends you have on Facebook. Bringing up Farmville was pretty clever too... I was once a victim of Farmville...

    3. I disagree that people know how to use social networks responsibly. If everybody knew how to use them responsibly, there wouldn't be a huge deal about cyberbullying, which schools are trying to prevent with little success.

  5. I believe that Social Networks can mess with social aspects of our lives. If you look at how teens and children act in this day and age you will see how much different it is for us now and parents 20 years ago. I believe that it is taking away the youths ability to talk and be social without hiding behind a screen. This is exaggerated but I do still believe that because of texting, Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace we have stopped being able to talk to people in person. "variations in brain activity hint at why a
    predisposition to loneliness is such a liability for social networks." I have to say that without social networks we would have a society with a higher intelligence and we would be very charismatic. "So avoid using the word 'very', because it is lazy. A man is not 'very tired', he is 'exhausted'. Don't use 'very sad', use 'morose'. Language was invented for one reason... and in that en devour, laziness will not do" John Keating. Though it is a movie reference it shows what social networks have been doing to our social skills.

    1. I like your comment "I believe that it is taking away the youths ability to talk and be social without hiding behind a screen." I believe that is very true, which is sad.

    2. I agree. Good points.

    3. I agree with your point saying that it takes away youths ability to talk and be social without hiding behind a screen, that i definately agree with

  6. I don't believe that social networks are messing with our heads. They have become very popular over the years and have had an effect on us. Just like the invention of the television and cell phones, they have provided us with efficient ways to communicate with the others. The article starts out by introducing Steve, a guy who likes to update Facebook about everything he does. I know several people like Steve... But with every new, popular device to socialize with, there will always be those "social butterflies" that are constantly using them because they crave the interaction. Social networks aren't messing with our heads, they're providing new ways for us to interact; some more than others...

    1. I agree with your statement "they have become very popular over the years and have had an effect on us." I also like how you pointed out that "social networks aren't messing with our heads, they're providing new ways for us to interact." This is a very valid point!

    2. I agree with your point. I also agree with Kelli, social networks gave us the opportunities to keep in touch much more efficiently than ever before with our loved ones, even if they are so far away.

  7. I think social networks have all the characteristics to be messing with some people´s brains, but I do not think everybody that uses them is being affected by them in that way. It is clear to me that our generation is very different than our parents' generation that grew up without social networks; however, I think that our parents' generation is also different from earlier generations, meaning that the world has change and along with it a lot of costumes, ways to spend our free time, and available activities. I do think that social networks are an important change nowadays, but the fact that the world change is not something that we can control; even though we can control the importance that we give to those networks, never forgetting our real lives.

    1. I agree that not everybody who uses social networks will be affected, but are social networks important for how the world is going to change?

  8. Social networks affect people in different ways. I believe that social networks have the ability to mess with a person's head depending on how the person uses the social network. Facebook, in my opinion, has the largest effect on people. Everybody tries to get the most friends and they feel that is their way of not being 'lonely', even if they sit at home on facebook all day and not talking to anyone face-to-face. It also blows my mind that Facebook would be the 4th most populated country if it was a country.

    1. I like how you state "I believe that social networks have the ability to mess with a person's head depending on how the person uses the social network." It's a good way to look at it, and I agree with you 100%.

  9. After reading the article, I believe that social networks can have an affect on how people act and socialize depending on how much of their time they devote to the network, or for what purpose they use it. I do believe that because people are so dependent on social networks, talking face to face is much more difficult for people. Cyber bullying is also a big problem because people can bully someone from their home and not have to actually confront the person about it, they can hid behind their computer screen. I also think that people spend so much time on the computer on the social network, its making today's society more lazy. However, social networking is a major way of communication to people that live far away from you, which is extremely helpful. In conclusion, social networks can either "mess" with your head or can be very helpful, just depending on how you use. it.

    1. I agree with you, there are people who just use it here and there but then there's those like "steve" who are always on it and do idiotic things .

  10. Social networking is not messing with our heads. It has just made it possible for people to share interests, experiences, and thoughts with other people quicker and more efficiently and without cost; its a lot better than sending "snail mail". It has also made it so that people can connect with relatives or friends without spending money, people are aware of bad or good news almost immediately after it happens, and so much more. Of course everything has pros and cons but networking has many more pros than it does cons. In the article it talks about the effect on people's emotions/self-esteem, how it boosts people's self-esteem but it can also send some into depression. The way i see it if something is disrupting your happiness then get rid of it. Nobody is forcing you to have a facebook, twitter, tumblr, etc. It has changed our lives and the way we live but its not messing with our heads.

    1. You made some valid points, but they are messing with our heads. I know so many people who "live" on the social networks and only care about updating. It messed with them because they weren't like that until they started using those sites.

  11. There is no certain answer on the given question, and here is why. The article says that people feel according to their understanding of loneliness. In certain ways, for certain people Social Networks could become a real danger to their social life and interaction. They could be whatever they want to be in the internet, besides, there is another people on the other end of the line doing the same thing. Lonely people could appear extremely easy-going and posses communicative nature, but they can't keep up their features. Some groups of people could get addicted to the Facebook and Twitter. From my experience, I could observe my timeline and how people post every 5 minutes something new from famous imageboards.
    But there are also good aspects of social networks that I enjoy and use. I travel a lot and it is really expensive to stay in touch with all of your friends via cellphones. Moreover, these networks help disabled people to overcome their difficulties in social interaction via Facebook, etc.

  12. I do not think social media are "messing with our heads." Before reading the article, I was unaware of the frequency and time people spent on Facebook. I realize its productivity is questionable, but that is completely up to the user. Just as the way people interpret and take things to heart, is fully on the individual. Social media, such as Facebook, doesn't necessarily decide what is on the users' "feed." Therefore, I don't think influences, if any, are communicated to everyone directly or purposely. I personally think it is people (users) who have the effect on people via Facebook, or other networking sites. Not the sites themselves.

  13. I do not feel as though social networks are truly “messing with our heads” that much. Technology today has an absolutely enormous impact and influence on our daily lives (“If Facebook were a country, it would be the fourth most populous in the world, just behind the U.S. Almost half of its users visit every day.”), so we are being pushed more towards social networking in order to communicate with others more easily. I feel as though this is not really a bad thing (in most cases, anyway). Social networking can be a very useful tool, if used as it was originally meant to be used. The few extreme cases where social networking sites completely consume people’s lives are really the fault of the individual people. If you cannot limit the amount of time you waste each day on a social networking site and control your reactions to trivial posts and such, that is your problem.

  14. Are social networks messing with our heads? Well, after reading the social networking article I don’t believe that social networks are “messing with our heads”. I think that it is safe to say that social networking in today’s society has become part of the way people communicate and live. The way people communicate will always be growing and developing… Even though I don’t agree with social networking sites, I think it is up for the individual who is taking part of that way of interaction to be social and interact face to face with other people.

  15. I don't believe social networks are messing with our heads. I do think that social networks like Facebook have changed the way we interact but I don't think they are messing with our heads. I'm sure when the telegraph machine came out people had the same debate if it messed with our heads. All it is is a new way to communicate. Things won't always be the same so why say that these new ways to communicate will mess with our heads. I'm not saying that some people's heads have been messed with but overall people use social networking to communicate with others in a new and technological way

  16. In my opinion the problem starts with, "Time spent using social-networking sites is growing at three times the rate of overall Internet usage, accounting for almost 10 percent of total time spent online." Considering how much time is spent online this number is absurd. This article is only about 4 years old, but with the advancement in technology and handheld computers (I.E. smartphones, tablets, etc.) the number has increased without a doubt. The rest of the article was not as intriguing to me. Perhaps because it pointed out the obvious. Such as, "does social networking bring upon a sense of loneliness." Then the article goes on to explain the answer is a yes and no depending on what factors are involved or in what direction the question is asked from. In the end the user who chooses to part take in any social network runs the risk of being attacked emotionally, mentally, or socially. Ultimately the user will integrate how to react to these interactions and choose to be mature or a drama queen

  17. I think that social networks are messing with our heads. All you ever seen now a days are people on their phones and computers, usually on Facebook or Twitter. We communicate via internet now. You wake up check your Facebook or whatever, and throughout the day you keep checking it and updating. If anything "exciting" happens everyone's first reaction is to tweet about it, update it on Facebook or take a picture for Instagram. People are a lot like Steve, the guy from the article who updates everything, nothing is more important than the social network. At this rate there will no longer be able to have face to face conversations, due to the lack of actual one on one talking. Social networks are messing with our minds, it's all we think about during the day.
